As a result of K-12 many subjects that were considered as redundant has to be remove or re-packaged, these are

  • Filipino
  • World History
  • English 1

Filipino is relegated to an elective course, personally I am yet to see a college offering Filipino as an elective; this resulted to the retrenchment of Filipino teachers.  Teachers in college either have a Professional Teaching License or none, the latter kind were displaced in the academic world; those in possession of a PRC license found in the secondary education.

World history has been packed into a small course called Readings in Philippine History, but it came what I call as a “halo-halo” course.  Subjects like economics, taxation and even agrarian reform were cluttered into one subject. This resulted to teachers being faced with the problem of tackling a broad scope under a limited time frame.

English is repackaged as “purposive communication” but is still the same subject although repackaged to show a different style.